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Sunday, January 12, 2025

Me and 2025

 So, ignoring the disgusting climate the world is about to find itself under after the events of this past November, I'm going to talk about the plans I have for myself this coming year. 

I try to keep an overall positive mindset and air about myself, and anything dire or negative that might be happening in my life to a bare minimum when discussing things online. I personally don't like the idea of subjecting others to my legitimate complaints about life. Just not my thing, really. And besides, most of that gets converted into things that occur in Last Tail anyhow, so I use that means of venting my issues as it's in a place where I have the ability to fix these issues and give myself a weird sense of control.

Anywho, on to my plans for myself this year!

Obviously, I want to continue writing Last Tail. Writing, like everything I do, is largely for myself. If others find some sort of enjoyment in it, then great! But I write what I would want to read. I build the sort of world(s) I would want to live in and the kind of characters that I would enjoy being around. Last Tail is my pick-up-and-go story. It's set on modern-day Earth, so the world is pre-built, and all I have to do is populate it and make it far more interesting than it actually is. Monsters, magic, lack of humans, swords and other melee weapons are as commonplace as firearms, etc.

I also plan to reboot Secret of Memoria as my big epic fantasy piece. It originally started as a by-the-season slice-of-life fic the same way that Last Tail is now, but with Last Tail being basically set in the modern day, only with furries instead of humans, Memoria needs to be its own thing, so we'll see how that goes.

'I'm A Pokemon Trainer' will see the occasional chapter here and there. This is another project of mine that's likely going to follow me the rest of whatever is left of my life as I plan to sort of retell the flagship Pokemon game stories through the eyes of my younger self as if I was actually experiencing it all. I have the first few chapters up already, and there is some revisionism going on.

I want to also finally get Godzilla Versus going. The whole point of this is to be nothing more than a bunch of What-If scenarios where Godzilla(1975 design) goes up against everything, with only some minor justification for the match-ups. How on earth could a Xenomorph the size of Godzilla going to come into existence? Why, using one of the Gargantuas after their defeat in a Two-on-One battle, of course.

All in all, I want 2025 to be the biggest year in writing for me yet.

I also want to read more this year than last! I blew past my moderate goal last year, but this time I'm 
expanding that to 24 books, something I know is still achievable as I incorporate more manga into my library.

On the gaming side of things, I'm really looking forward to the Nintendo Switch 2 coming this spring and recapturing me with that Nintendo magic that only they can provide. Big video game releases are one thing, but Nintendo consoles and first-party releases are events all of their own. That said I won't be abandoning my Steam Deck by any means. It's still going to be my primary third-party and emulation device and will continue to be so until Deck 2 eventually drops, whenever that will be.

I'm also looking forward to getting my garden going this year come mid-April. The soil is going to need some refreshing and I'll need to put in a compost box, along with the bed, specifically for corn. Going to be growing some new, rare and exciting varieties this year!

Other than that, I also want to focus on my physical health a little bit more. I need to drop about ten or so pounds and correct my diet again after the holidays ravaged it, something that shouldn't be too difficult for me as I've done it multiple times over the years already.

And that is about it I guess.

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